walk with me strong

Friday, August 18, 2006

Better Every Day

Just a quick post to let you all know how much I appreciate your comments - I miss you all so much! I appreciate your encouragement, and I get tearful when I read them.
I think we are on the way to progress here - we have approval to hold some teaching sessions for the nurses, and we are making good use of some donated supplies that had previously been sitting boxed up in a room. We continue to build relationships here, and I think it will pay off when it comes time for us to influence some real change.
The other day, a man could not afford to pay for his medicine, which in a cash and carry health system, that means that he receives no treatment until he can come up with the money. In the meantime, his lungs filled with fluid and he could not breathe. Anne and I were able to pay for his treatment ($14), and he was able to make it until his family found more money. Otherwise, a curtain is pulled and the patient is ignored until money is presented.
I was called by the doctor to the labour ward the other day when they were unable to resuscitate a newborn. They delivered breech twins and one was not breathing. I think he aspirated meconium, which causes severe lung damage, so basically I forced air into his damaged lungs while he struggled to breathe on his own. I finally stopped and he was a fighter, so I took him to his mother and said a prayer. He survived through the day but I have not been able to check on him since. In their culture, they often blame death on evil spirits, when the cases I have seen have actually been due to lack of medical care and knowledge.

I know that we are making a difference here and I know that we can make a lasting difference by teaching the staff how to handle situations like these. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers very much.


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