walk with me strong

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I love my church! Tonight was the last Tuesday night service that I'll be able to attend until I get back in November, and it was perfect. The worship songs were awesome, the prayer time was extra long, and Greg's sermon was right on. The focus of his message was "what makes a church more than just a building?" For me, becoming a part of the church community has made this church a home for me. From the first time I set foot in our church, everyone has been welcoming - they have taken an interest in me and have encouraged me to become involved. Loren said it well when he said once that we just need to invest in people. And this community of friends has truly invested in one another, making it much more than just a Sunday thing. I am so thankful that we have stumbled upon this wonderful, nurturing community, and it has been one of the things that has truly made North Carolina a home for me. And it's one of the things that I will most miss while I'm gone. But I carry the love of Christ with me as I go, and I am giving myself to the Lord for these months in Africa, hoping that He will use me to make a difference. Saying goodbye tonight was tough, but I feel at peace knowing that my community will keep me in their prayers. I love my church!


  • At 5:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We're going to miss you probably more than you realize at this moment. You're a great friend, a great strength with a passion to serve others. Go with peace to Africa and serve God and the people there humbly.

    As for goodbyes, there are no goodbyes, just halftime intermissions inbetween visits. When you get back, we'll wrap our arms around you and it'll be like you are coming home, because that is what you'll be doing.

    Good luck, again, and like I said last night be safe over there.

    Take care and let us know as you can how you are doing.


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